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How to boost consistency on Pinterest

We’ve all heard that consistency is key when it comes to mastering anything whether it’s getting results in your body or becoming an expert in any niche or field.

The truth is that this is applicable across the board and especially when it comes to marketing your online business.

In this post I share three tips to help you be more consistent with your Pinterest strategy:

  • Time blocking
  • Batching content
  • Content scheduler

Consistency on Pinterest Tip #1: Time Blocking

This concept of scheduling routine and repetitive tasks into my calendar by blocking out sections of time is a new idea for me. I’m absolutely the type of person that flies by the seat of her pants, with each day looking vastly different than the last.

This is never by design, but more in line with just how my brain works.  So the thought of scheduling my day into structured and intentional blocks seemed intriguing yet not very doable.

But I tried it and the results yielded measurable and consistent results. Clearing space on my calendar for distraction free work allowed me to focus my mental energy.

The beauty of a distraction free block of time is that the time you normally waste when you experience starting and stopping a task is eliminated.  This is a huge win.

There are boundaries that I recommend putting into place to experience the most productivity.

Silence the distractions

If you’re working on a laptop that is connected to your mobile device, consider silencing all notifications such as email and messenger.

You might also need to close out of your texting program as well if you are using Apple products (ex. Macbook & iphone).  Put your phone away, whether in another room or put your phone on silent mode.

The mere buzz of my phone is enough to be a distraction and temptation to cause me to deviate from the task at hand.

Time blocks assist with consistency on Pinterest because it’s built into your schedule.

There’s no room to wonder what to do next, or settle into mindless activities such as scrolling social or watching Netflix, because your time is accounted for.

If you’re in need of added accountability, consider joining a co-working session to motivate you to stick with your planned schedule.

It might be easier to back out on yourself, but probably a lot more challenging to back out on an accountability partner or group.

Consistency on Pinterest Tip #2: Batching content

In perfect alignment and harmony with time blocking is batching your work.

Batching is the process of working on the same or similar tasks at one sitting so that you can leverage the efficiencies gained in the process.

The concept of batching can be applied to any task. 

For example, as part of your Pinterest strategy you could batch the task of writing copy for your standard pins during a time block on your schedule.

Many of us have to feel “in the mood” or “in the zone” in order to produce our best work related to a writing task.

Tap into being “in the mood” and don’t stop writing copy after just one pin description.

Continue on writing for other pin descriptions for another pin topic so that you can harness the efficiencies and the flow in your writing.

This same strategy can be applied to creating Pinterest pin assets.

The image or video you create can be done in a batch and I highly recommend using this approach.

At a minimum you’re likely using the same tools such as an editing software or a resource such as Canva.

Create many in one sitting, not just for one concept or idea, but for many different ideas so that you reap the benefits of the economies of scale.

Consistency on Pinterest Tip #3: Scheduling Tool

After time blocking and creating all your content through a batching process it’s essential to roll out your content, dripped out by using a scheduling tool.

Scheduling tools help you to stay consistent in your Pinterest strategy by taking the mundane, day to day activity of posting, out of the equation.

Do not rely on working memory to remember to post your pins individually throughout the day.

If you’re anything like me, it’ll be nighttime before you remember to post your individual pins.

By then it will be too late in the day to get traction.

If you’re a solopreneur you likely have many different thoughts and tasks that must be addressed each day and the thought of manually posting pins to Pinterest is overwhelming.

This ties you and your time up and can be a major drag. It also quickly becomes a barrier to you posting your content at all.

That’s the equivalent of doing your homework and not turning in the assignment.

That’s why a third-party scheduler is worth its weight in gold.

There are both paid and free options here and even Pinterest has a native scheduling tool that allows a user to schedule pins up to 2 weeks in advance for free.

If funds are tight or you’re watching your pennies, I’d utilize this option first before seeking out a paid tool.  If you are ready to invest, there are several Pinterest approved scheduler noted below:

Glimpse into my process

I always learn better when I see an actual example so here’s a glimpse into my pinning process.

During an ideal week I produce two blog posts; one for home organization and one for Pinterest marketing.

For each blog post I target 8 to 10 standard pins to create and publish on Pinterest.

Multiplied by the two blog posts, generally on a weekly basis I have 16-20 pins to add to my Pinterest boards.

When I batch create content, I tend to schedule two weeks at a time. With the two blog posts on a bi-weekly basis I’ll likely generate 32-40 standard pins to schedule using Tailwind.

This pinning cadence is the strategy I have consistently applied since the beginning of this year.

It’s a practice that continues to feed Pinterest new and fresh pins while being a manageable amount that I can batch create two weeks at a time. 


Creating systems in your business to support you in your goal of posting consistent content is essential for an online business owner.

By using at least one of these three tips you are setting yourself and your business up for consistency on Pinterest.

Consistent action on Pinterest is going to drive traffic and brand visibility that you desire.

Don’t let inconsistent action make you miss out on connecting with your ideal customer and those you were meant to serve with your online business.