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Marketing on Pinterest Tips

Marketing on Pinterest presents a unique challenge that is new and different from other social platforms.  As a visual search engine, the platform functions in an entirely different manner.  There are some fundamentals to master and I share marketing on Pinterest tips to help you create a content marketing strategy with the goal of creating brand awareness.

In this post I’ll answer the following questions:

  • Is Pinterest a good marketing tool?
  • How to utilize Pinterest for marketing?
  • Is Pinterest good for marketing?

Know who you are talking to

No matter where you are in your business journey, knowing who you are talking to is critical to successfully marketing your business.

Who your audience is will drive almost every marketing decision you make.

For example, if your audience is 55+ you might find that those fast-paced, high action videos of you dancing to a trending song doesn’t quite resonate.  You may have missed the mark in a couple of ways in this example.

  • First, your audience may not like short form video.
  • Second, the music choice may be confusing or worse yet offensive to your ideal customer and
  • finally, your target audience may get frustrated at missing the point of your video because it was too fast to digest and understand.

From this example it’s easy to see how essential it is to know who you are talking to because the message may be lost in the delivery.

Content that might align with this target audience instead can look like long-form videos where there is no dancing, and it’s a face to camera format where you share solutions to their pain points.

This alternate approach might attract who you are wanting to serve.

Establish content pillars

Once you have clearly identified who you are talking to it’s time to craft a marketing strategy around content pillars.  

Content pillars are core concepts and ideas that are central to your business.

This is the “what” that you’re sharing with your audience.

If you are an organic soap maker, your content pillars might be:

  1. Education – Answering the questions a) What makes a quality soap?  b) What is the art of soap making? c) How to use soap in different and unique ways? 
  2. Inspiration – Share how adding organic handmade soaps improve your life, bring joy, health benefits that align with the life you want to live
  3. About you – Who are you? What do you do?  What makes you and your business unique?
  4. Selling – Sharing your product offerings whether they are digital or physical
  5. Special Interests – Share special interests that are complimentary to your business such as soap dishes or soap accessories.

Try to come up with 5-7 core content pillars and this will help drive the ideas for the content that you share on Pinterest.

To take it a step further, let’s say your marketing strategy targets one pin per day. By applying the 7 pillars, you could create 7 pins weekly that corresponds to each content pillar.

Add batching to the mix and you can see how creating one month’s worth of content comes together.

Establish like, know and trust with content

Marketing on Pinterest help you with reach.

When you share content on the platform, that content gets picked up in searches and then is returned to the audience that is seeking it out.  This process allows for brand awareness and spreads the word about your business.

The clarity in your message helps you establish the like, know and trust factor that is essential to making any conversion in business.

Whether it’s giving up our email address or a few dollars on our top of funnel offer, none of this is likely to happen if this trifecta does not occur.

The content that you create on Pinterest must also serve the purpose of creating likeability and establishing yourself as the expert in your field.

How do you establish like, know, and trust with your ideal customer on Pinterest?

You create content that fosters a connection.

Even though our content is online, running on social platforms, we are still talking to other humans that are consuming the content.

At the end of the day, your ability to connect with your ideal customer is the ticket to establish like, know and trust.

Have a clear call to action

You’ve served your audience with solutions to their problems and you might be thinking you’ll call it a day.

That would be huge mistake.


I equate this to leaving money on the table.

That’s right.

It’s a missed opportunity if you don’t follow up your content with a direct, yet simple call to action.

A call to action is giving your ideal customer the next steps on the customer journey.

When the audience has just consumed your content and is asking “what’s next” you’ve got to have a clear answer that leads them to some action you want them to take.

The action doesn’t have to be big or complex, but it must be clear and you must not confuse your audience on what to do next.

This is your opportunity to lead them to join your next Q&A session, or join your email list, or gain additional value by downloading your free resources guide.

Whatever it is that you want them to do, say it and say it clearly.

Stand out from the competition

I am the first to say and even shout to those in the back to hear that there is room for everyone.

It’s something I firmly believe because a scarcity mindset doesn’t serve us or our customers.

Having said all that, I admit too that it’s highly competitive out there in the online and digital space.  If you’re reading this post, you are likely not the first to market with your offers and ideas and neither am I.

In a saturated market, while there is still space and room for your business, it is important to realize that you must highlight your competitive advantage.

What makes you different and how are you unique compared to others in your field or niche?

Asking these questions and crafting a marketing strategy around that difference is key so that you truly attract those you were meant to serve.

Even if you attract the ideal customers that fit your exact demographics, your personality will play a role here.

And that’s a good thing.

Lean into your unique style and offers and make a splash! It’s important that your message doesn’t get lost in the sea of other digital products.

Is Pinterest a good marketing tool?

If you’re still wondering, is Pinterest a good marketing tool or is Pinterest good for marketing, then I have a simple and resounding “YES” to share.

Pinterest is a free platform that has endless opportunities to share your message.

Free and organic are really great reasons to utilize Pinterest as part of your social media marketing strategy and mix.

With the changing landscape of online marketing, we don’t know when one tool will rise and one will become a distant memory so it is very important to establish a diversified marketing plan for your online business.

For an additional layer, Pinterest is a visual search engine and that reason alone should encourage you to give Pinterest a serious thought.

As a search engine, the ability for your content to live far longer than another other social platform is enormous.  Pair this fact with evergreen content and you’ll see that the work you put into a Pinterest strategy today will bear many fruits tomorrow.

Just like an investment strategy, you want to start planting those seeds now and over time you will gain the results and returns with a consistent pinning strategy.


These marketing on Pinterest tips are foundational steps that have the potential to propel your Pinterest presence in front of your ideal customers.

Pinterest is good for marketing and I’ve personally seen it transform my business to new heights in less than a calendar year with a consistent posting strategy and optimized profile.

Use these marketing on Pinterest tips and you’ll start to gain the traction that you’ve wanted to see on other social platforms.

I share two free resources to help get you started.

Grab my free Pinterest Account Checklist and 10 Free Content Ideas for Pinterest. Both are resources I wish I had when I started my own journey.