About Sandy

My journey started in 2015, when I was pregnant with my second child and feeling nervous but excited for the new changes in my life.  Adding to our family of three meant making room and space for another being. Preparing for the new baby highlighted an area of my life that needed a change.
A friend recommended the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo. She raved about it and it seemed to come into my life at the exact moment I needed it. I read the book cover to cover in a day and then read through it again to solidify the message. The message was loud and clear and I was ready to take it all in.
I learned that if I could change my thinking I could change my life.  This powerful message has stuck with me. I applied this philosophy to my home and I was amazed to see the method influence my mental space and affect my life in ways beyond a decluttered home.  The process was transformative for me in my home, my mind and my life.

Once I discovered the transformative powers of the method, I shared it with all my friends and family. This information was too good to keep to myself! I wanted to share it with everyone because it touched my life in a powerful way.

konmari method professional organizer socal southern california about sandy

I feel so strongly about the method that I left a 20+ year career in the accounting industry to pursue a career of sharing organization with others.  It is my hope and pleasure to support you in your journey of living a clutter-free life within a home that sparks joy!

The journey to become a Certified Consultant is both challenging and rewarding. The in-depth process started in April at the London Consultant Certification Course. Sandy was joined by 111 other organizing enthusiasts representing over 33 countries.  It was a thrilling two days filled with all things KonMari™. At the seminar, Sandy met and learned from the creator of the method Marie Kondo.  Meeting Marie was such an incredible treat!  In the months following the seminar, Sandy has worked with several clients to satisfy her certification requirements.  She is renewed and excited for her new career path of being a Professional Organizer.

Konmari certified consultant
Photo taken in April 2019 at the London KonMari™ Consultant Certification Course