Organizing Services
Tidy with SPARK offers a wide range of organizing services to suit a variety of home and business organizational needs. Rooted in the framework of the KonMari Method, as an Organizing Professional, Sandy applies the core principles of the method to tackle tidying through a joy filter. Using joy as the guide, Sandy assists clients in transforming their space during individualized tidying sessions. Through learning how to tidy, clients are able to shift their mindset from living in a perpetually untidy environment to a space that sparks tremendous joy.
As a Certified KonMari Consultant, Sandy is an expert in applying the method for home and office organization. The following services are offered using this specific method.
KonMari Method Tidying Sessions
During KonMari Method home tidying sessions, clients are guided through every category of the KonMari Method in order starting with clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous items and then sentimental items. We follow this order of tidying as prescribed by the KonMari Method so that the client is set up for success on their tidying journey.
Just as individuals prepare for a physical marathon, tidying according to the specific order allows for organizational success during the client’s tidying marathon. In-home tidying sessions start at three hours and can be extended to five hours. Acting as both your tidying coach and accountability partner, Sandy journeys alongside her clients, providing a safe and non-judgmental space to help build order and organization to her client’s homes.
Learn more about working with a KonMari Consultant and our Tidying Sessions.
Office Tidying Sessions
Organizing Spaces
Spaces To Focus On
- Bedroom
- Closet
- Garage
- Kitchen