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Understanding 5 KonMari Method Categories

5 Categories of the KonMari Method Explained

Are you tired of living in a cluttered and chaotic space?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff in your home?

If so, the KonMari Method might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.

This revolutionary approach to organizing, developed by Marie Kondo, involves decluttering your possessions and surrounding yourself only with items that “spark joy”.

But did you know that there are actually 5 categories of the KonMari Method?

In this blog post, let’s dive deep into each category, exploring what it involves and how you can use it to transform your home and your life.

From clothing to sentimental items, I’ve got you covered. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and get ready to learn about the 5 KonMari Method categories.


Keep in mind that the 5 categories of the KonMari Method are designed to be tackled in a specific sequence. Following this order is crucial for achieving a successful outcome when using the method to tidy up according to Marie Kondo.  Watch this short video on whether you can tidy out of order. 

Ready to clear the mess and start decluttering? Grab this free decluttering checklist to act as the tidying project plan you need for tidying success.

KonMari Method Categories: Clothing

Once you’ve defined your ideal vision for your life, it’s important to follow the correct order when embarking on your tidying journey.

The KonMari Method starts with the clothing category, as it’s the easiest to handle and the most familiar to us.

By gathering all of your clothing items and creating a large pile, you can visually assess the sheer amount of clothes you have and determine which items truly “spark joy”.

This step is crucial in creating a sense of clarity and focus as you move through the rest of the categories.

If you’re looking for simple solutions for clothing organization, take a look at this post on 10 easy closet organization ideas.

KonMari Method Categories: Books

The books category is the second category in the KonMari Method, following the clothing category.

This category includes all books, magazines, and other reading materials in your possession. Like with clothing, the goal is to gather all of these items in one place so you can see just how many books you have.

When sorting through your books, the key is to focus on the feeling each book brings you.

Consider whether each book sparks joy in your heart, and whether it’s truly necessary to keep it in your collection.

Marie Kondo suggests asking yourself, “Will it be beneficial for you to keep this book in your life going forward?” If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.

Once you’ve decided which books to keep, it’s important to organize them in a way that makes sense for you. This might mean arranging them by author, genre, or color, or using clear bookends to keep them upright on shelves.

For a list of different ways to organize and store your books, head to this post on how to organize books ideas.

The ultimate goal is to create a book collection that brings you joy and inspiration, rather than clutter and stress.

KonMari Method Categories: Papers

The third category in the KonMari Method is papers. To tackle this category, you’ll need to gather all of the papers in your home and divide them into three purposes: action items, temporary items, and permanent items.

Action items include papers that require immediate attention or must be addressed within a short window of time, such as bills or invitations. Temporary items are papers that you’ll need to access for a temporary period, but won’t need to keep on a permanent basis. Examples include contracts, tax documents, and medical records.

Permanent papers, on the other hand, are documents that you’ll keep indefinitely, such as birth certificates, passports, or legal documents. These papers should be kept in a secure and easily accessible location, such as a locked file cabinet or a fireproof safe.

By dividing your papers into these three categories, you can better manage the flow of information in your life and avoid the stress and overwhelm that often comes with paper clutter.

Looking for a deeper dive into how to organize papers – head to this post with a detailed step-by-step process.

KonMari Method Categories: Komono (Miscellaneous)

The fourth category of the KonMari Method is known as Komono, which is the Japanese word for miscellaneous items. This category encompasses all items other than clothing, books, papers, and sentimental items, making it the largest and most diverse category to address.

Komono items are highly variable, depending on the individual and their lifestyle. This category includes everything from kitchen utensils and office supplies to toys and sporting equipment.

To tackle this category, it’s important to break it down into smaller subcategories, such as kitchenware, electronics, or hobby supplies. This will help you to focus on one area at a time and prevent overwhelm.

Overwhelm is very common during the tidying process. If you’re struggling with this – you aren’t alone – head to this post on how to declutter when overwhelmed.

Keep in mind that the subcategories will vary from person to person, depending on their unique needs and interests.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and tailor the categories to fit your lifestyle.

By using the KonMari Method to declutter and organize your Komono items, you’ll be able to create a home that’s both functional and joyful.

KonMari Method Categories: Sentimental

The final category in the KonMari Method is the most challenging one to tackle: sentimental items. This category includes items from each of the previous four categories and often carries deep emotional significance for the individual.

As you progress through the other categories of the method, you may find that the sentimental category is particularly difficult to address. This is because many of the items in this category are tied to significant memories or emotions. However, it’s important to remember that the goal of the KonMari Method is to surround yourself with items that spark joy, even if they are sentimental.

To tackle this category, it’s helpful to gather all of your sentimental items in one place and take some time to reflect on each item. Consider the memories or emotions associated with each item, and ask yourself if it truly brings you joy to keep it. If the answer is yes, then find a special place to display or store it where it can be appreciated. If the answer is no, it may be time to let it go.

Remember, the sentimental category is addressed last for a reason. By going through the other categories first, you’ll have honed your decision-making skills and built up momentum to tackle this final challenge.

Tidy in the Right Order

Following the correct order when addressing each category of the KonMari Method is crucial to building up your ability to determine whether an item sparks joy or not. The intentional progression, starting with the easiest category and moving along to the most challenging, allows you to develop and hone your joy-checking skills over time.

By tackling each category in order, you’ll be able to build up momentum and gain confidence in your ability to make decisions about your possessions. This is essential to achieving success in the tidying process.

Of course, having the right tools can also make a big difference as you embark on your journey towards a tidy home. From storage containers to label makers, there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. So, get ready to dive in, and let’s start transforming your home and your life with the KonMari Method!


As a professional organizer, I know that tidying success starts with a solid plan. That’s why I’ve created a free comprehensive decluttering checklist for my clients to help them navigate the various categories and subcategories of the KonMari Method.

This tidy checklist includes a list of general subcategories that I expect many households to have. It’s important to follow the checklist in order so that you can properly build your joy-checking skills and ensure that you complete one category entirely before moving on to the next.

By using this checklist, you’ll be arming yourself with a useful tool to tackle your tidying journey and transform your home into a joyful and functional space.

So, tidy on and tidy strong, my friends!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions that will help further support you on your tidying journey.  Don’t see a question you have, please comment and let me know what’s on your mind.

The KonMari Method is the ultimate way to declutter and organize your life. You’ll go through every single item you own, keeping only the things that make your heart sing. Then, you’ll organize your belongings in a way that makes them easy to grab and go. It’s like magic, but without all the smoke and mirrors. Trust me, you won’t be able to resist the power of the KonMari Method!

To use the KonMari Method, you gotta get down and dirty with your belongings. Start by carving out some quality time to declutter and organize. Then, gather up everything you own that falls under a certain category (like clothes, books, or papers) and get to work. Hold each item in your hands and ask yourself, “Does this light up my life or does it bring me down?” Keep the joy-sparkers, toss the rest, and you’re on your way to a clutter-free existence. Easy-peasy, right?

How do you know if something sparks joy? Well, it’s as easy as holding it in your hot little hands and seeing how it makes you feel. Does it give you the warm and fuzzies? Does it make you want to dance around the room like a crazy person? Then, my friend, you’ve got yourself a joy-sparker! But if it leaves you feeling blah or even a little bit sad, it’s time to say goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, boring old thing!

Congrats, you’ve made it to the organizing stage! Now it’s time to put everything in its place. Think about how you use each item and how often you need to access it. Then, use your ninja skills to organize them in a way that makes sense for you. Fold those clothes like you’re running a fashion boutique, use clear containers so you can see what’s inside without having to play guessing games, and arrange items in a way that makes your heart sing. With a little bit of creativity, you’ll have a space that’s both functional and fabulous. Bam!

Ah, the million-dollar question! Here’s the scoop, my friend. When using the KonMari Method, you’re only gonna keep the things that spark joy. So hold each item in your hands, focus on how it makes you feel, and ask yourself, “Does this item light up my life?” If the answer is yes, it’s a keeper! If the answer is no, it’s time to say goodbye. Of course, there might be some items that are necessary but don’t necessarily spark joy (like a toilet brush or a plunger), so keep those if you need them. But for everything else, it’s joy or bust!

The amount of time it takes to complete the KonMari Method really depends on the size of your home, the amount of clutter you have, and how quickly you can make decisions. Some people can blitz through the process in a weekend, while others might take a few weeks or even months to complete it. The important thing is to take your time, stay focused, and remember that every step forward is a step in the right direction. Whether it takes you a day or a year, you’ll get there eventually!

The KonMari Method is like a superhero when it comes to decluttering and organizing. It’s been tried and tested by millions of people around the world, and the results speak for themselves. That being said, it might not be the right fit for everyone. If you’re someone who loves to hold onto sentimental items or has a hard time letting go of things, the KonMari Method might be a bit of a challenge. But if you’re ready to embrace change, simplify your life, and surround yourself with joy, then it’s definitely worth a try. Give it a go and see how you feel – you might just surprise yourself!