10 Decluttering Quotes to motivate and inspire your tidying journey in text overlay with quotation marks

Decluttering Quotes to Motivate and Inspire Your Tidying Journey

I love a good quote.

Words inspire me everyday so it’s no surprise that I draw motivation from the words of others.

Tidying is hard so it’s important to share decluttering quotes to motivate and inspire your tidying journey.

And let’s face it, ever the most motivated individuals benefit from a well crafted sentence when it comes to decluttering and tidying up.

In this post I share 10 of my favorite decluttering quotes to inspire you.  Reading this list is a great way to jumpstart your tidying journey.

#1 Decluttering Quotes

"The less you own, the easier organizing becomes."
- Joshua Becker

The quote from minimalist, Joshua Becker, is a perfect example of how simplicity can bring about clarity.

In this quote, he contradicts the idea that organizing more is the key to organization.

Rather it’s the absence of stuff that allows for a clear path towards organization.


#2 Decluttering Quotes

"If you need to buy things to store things, perhaps you have too many things."
- Gretchen Rubin

She has a point.

When started on their tidying journey, many think that the solution to getting organized is to purchase bins and containers to store their items.

According to Marie Kondo, this is another form of hoarding. If you have an issue with stuff, buying more of it likely isn’t going to solve your problem.


#3 Decluttering Quotes

"Later is the best friend of clutter." - Unknown

One of my favorite concepts to talk about is the idea that we use “later” as a blanket excuse to delay some type of action.

There is a falsehood to doing something “later” because when later comes around, the action is rarely promptly handled, but actually delayed even longer than before.

When it comes to tidying, later truly is the best friend of clutter.  Like two peas in a pod, clutter and later go hand in hand.

#4 Decluttering Quotes

"You don't need more space. You need less stuff."
- Joshua Becker

When our homes become overrun by clutter, one of the common responses I hear is “the home is too small and we need to upgrade to more space.”

This is what I call throwing good money after bad.

By upgrading to a larger home, you’re likely incurring more costs such as more rent, mortgage, and utilities. With more space comes more expenses, and our home because an expensive storage unit to house the clutter.

#5 Decluttering Quotes

"When you buy on sale you spend money not save money."
- Sandy Park

When we consider making a purchase at a discount, we think that we are saving money.

However, this is not true.  The act of purchasing an item whether at full price or on sale, still means we are spending money.

If the discount motivated the sale rather than the purpose of the item itself, you’re really not saving money at all.

#6 Decluttering Quotes

"Simplifying what's around you will help you simplify what's within you."
- Courtney Carver

The inventor of the Project 333 wardrobe method, Courtney Carver, said this quote.

Again, supporting the theme of less consumption, this quote brings about the mindset shift that occurs when our outer environment matches our inner environment.

Clearing the clutter in our lives brings about clarity.

#7 Decluttering Quotes

"We should use our space not for the person we once were, but for our future selves."
- Marie Kondo

A list of clutter quotes is not complete without one from Marie Kondo!

I love this quote because it can be applied to so many different decluttering situations.

It’s the perfect quote to consider when decluttering your clothes especially when you’re not able to wear clothes as your body changed during pregnancy.

#8 Decluttering Quotes

"Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have."
- Doris Mortman

This quote is profound because it speaks to the mindset of clutter and stuff.

The desire for stuff is more about our feelings rather a true need or necessity for items.

True contentment doesn’t come from things and Doris’ quote highlights this point perfectly.

#9 Decluttering Quotes

"Clutter is not just physical stuff. It's old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits."
- Eleanor Brown

This is one of my favorite quotes because it makes a connection about clutter going beyond tangible items. 

Clutter is not limited by physical boundaries, it invades all areas of our lives in deep and challenging ways.

That’s why decluttering is a mentally exhausting journey. In the process of decluttering our items we are decluttering our minds.

#10 Decluttering Quotes

"It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Gratitude is about perspective.

It is the practice of appreciation for the blessings one has in their life regardless of their situation or circumstance.

The poor and rich alike can express a practice of gratitude for the abundance they have in their life.

Through practicing gratitude we truly understand that we have everything that we need.


Tell me, which of these quotes are your favorite and why?

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Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.  Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.