3 simple ideas to organize blind corner cabinets

3 Simple Ideas to Organize Blind Corner Cabinets

The kitchen is often labeled as the heart of the home because it’s where we all like to congregate.  It’s also not surprising that it happens to be the place in the home that is overcrowded with clutter and homeowners are left yearning for more space to contain every knick knack and kitchen tool they ever purchased since the beginning of time.
Every cabinet and drawer is notoriously stuffed to the gills.  I’ve seen many so I know the truth about clutter in the kitchen. It’s where the junk drawers live and our random items go to hide, never to be seen or used again. For such a prime piece of real estate in our homes, there are often missed opportunities to command the clutter in the kitchen.
If you’re someone who hates waste, you likely are against wasted space too. That’s why having the most efficient kitchen, with minimally wasted spaces is most important to you.  It’s important to me too.
One of the biggest missed opportunities in the kitchen is the corner cabinet, blind corner, or blind cabinet. Whatever term you use to describe it, let’s get into what this space is.

What is blind corner cabinet?

A blind corner cabinet is two sections of cabinets that meet at the corner in an L shape.  The blind cabinet is the space that looks like a wedge that is awkward at best and most often underutilized due to the challenging shape.  Most find that a blind corner cupboard presents an irritating dilemma because the space is tucked away, hidden, and not easy to access most of the time.  

The most annoying part is that the blind corner cabinet has good, useable space, but you’re simply not sure of the best and most efficient way to use the corner cabinet.  Mine is particularly deep which also poses another challenge on top of the potentially wasted space.
If you haven’t got a clue on what to do with your kitchen corner cabinet, read on because I’ve got some solutions to share on how to utilize and organize the tricky space of your blind corner cabinet.

Blind Cabinet Organization Ideas

One of my skills that I learned from all the years of art lessons during my youth (thanks, Mom and Dad) is that I have a pretty good understanding of spatial awareness, so organizing items is like a puzzle to solve.

Even though the corner cabinet is odd shaped and tucked away, I simplify the puzzle by breaking it down into basic ideas.  A blind corner cabinet is a triangle with the biggest challenge being accessibility of the space in the deepest corner.

Create Structure with a Built In Turntable

What works for my corner cabinet is a built in turntable.  A turntable is a simple way to access items in the back just as seamlessly as the items in the front. With the flick of your wrist, the turntable is a clear winner in delivering accessibility. 

The circular shape makes the blind corner cupboard usable and functional.  Most cabinets are a minimum height of 36 inches so there is also space to include a double tiered turntable to make even better use of the kitchen corner cabinet.
After the structure of the built in turntable is put into the blind corner cabinet, you can move on to filling the space with additional structure to contain your items.

3 Simple and Effective Ways for Blind Cabinet Organization

Simplicity is essential to maintain organization.  The more complex we make our storage solutions the increased likelihood that we don’t follow through and maintain those systems. That’s why I’m most in favor of simplicity and function over upkeep of complex aesthetics.

Make Use of Wedge Organization Bins

Because of the unique shape in the blind corner cupboard, you got to work with the space instead of against it. When I found wedge organization bins and triangle organization bins I knew I struck gold!

My particular cabinet is already installed with a built in turntable.  Working with the existing design, I found containers that fit the depth in the space perfectly. The triangle storage organizer works really well in this space because we are able to utilize the entire surface area.

On the top tier I am able to use four large triangle storage containers. There are a few options I recommend. First choose a material that will work best for you and your lifestyle.

  • The second option is metal triangle bins so that you still are able to see what is contained within the organizer. Both options are a great solution for maximizing the space.

Add Dual Tiered Turntables

Turntables work so well in this space, why not add more than one. In addition to the built in turntable structure I also added a two tiered turntable to fill the space in the middle of the turntable. This space is wasted otherwise because of how the wedge bins form together in a circle.
By adding another turntable in the middle I further improve the useable space. The bottom and top levels are easily accessible and I often store frequently used items here such small jars and peeled garlic.  It fits perfectly in the space and gives me another option for high touch items that are immediately available when I open the cabinet door.

Store Items Upright with Pan Organizers

Finding a functional spot for all your pots and pans in an accessible manner is a tall order. You can achieve both by using the blind cabinet space paired with a pan organizer. Instead of stacking pans one on top of the other, reducing accessibility, you can add an adjustable pan organizer to file your pans on a sturdy rack.
The rack can be positioned upright where the pans are slotted in horizontally, or the rack can be positioned horizontally so that the slots are upright and pans can be stored vertically like file folders. The orientation doesn’t matter so choose the position that most suits your preferences.

Kitchen Corner Cabinet Storage Ideas

With all this extra space, you might be wondering what to store in the blind corner cupboard. The possibilities are truly endless, but I’ve named several of my favorite ideas below to inspire you.

Food Storage Ideas

While fresh vegetables can be stored in the blind corner cupboard, take care in which type of produce to store. Veggies such as potatoes, onions, and bulb garlic are a great option because the cabinet is cool, dry and has ample airflow.
Also consider storing dry pantry items such as baking supplies like flours, sugar, and powders.  Other pantry items that work well in this space include dry boxed goods such as pastas and canned goods. 

Cookware or Small Appliance Storage

Outside of actual food storage, consider storing your large pots and pans in this space.  It is large enough to house and it might just be the perfect spot for stock pots and small to medium sized cooking gadgets.

Think coffee grinder, electric can opener or even coffee makers if you want to keep your counter tops free and clear. I recommend using renter friendly and removable pan organizers to aid with accessibility.

Nobody likes stacked pans!  It’s one of my rules of organization. It is not enough for our items to be organized; the items must also be accessible.

These can be used horizontally or vertically depending on your preferences and I found them to be very useful in the kitchen.

Glassware Storage

I love to reuse and repurpose glass jars from the grocery store, especially glass salsa jars or juice jars.

These come in handy when I make homemade lemonades and salad dressings. I like to use the lower level of the turn table to store the heavy glass jars.

As a general rule keeping heavier items on the lower tier helps to stabilize the turntable.  Lighter weight items are stored on the top tier.


No matter the type of items you choose to store in the blind corner cabinet, food or cookware, utilizing this awkward space can help to alleviate the pressures of your storage challenges.

Looking for extra inspiration to get you started? Watch these quick videos that show the process of blind cabinet organization and you’ll see just how easy it is to get organized in your home and kitchen.

Although tidying and cleaning are two different tasks, both are important to creating a home that is comfortable for you and your family.  Click on the link below to instantly download my 10 page Cleaning Guidebook to help you keep a clean home all year long.

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Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.

Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.