messy cords 5 simple cord organization diy ideas

5 Simple Cord Organization DIY Ideas

Organization is not always sexy with uniform containers, neatly arranged in a row adorned with matching labels in the perfect font.

It doesn’t have to be

  • picture perfect,
  • Pinterest pin worthy,
  • or pretty to get the job done.
The goal of organization, which has become blurred and lost over the years with the rise of the perfect Instagram grid, is to take action, efficiently and in less time.
Why have an organized pantry?
It’s faster and easier to make a meal.
Why organize your closet?
Get dressed quickly and create outfits you enjoy wearing.
Why organize your digital files?
Execute on your ideas that turn into projects of new creations.
All these examples highlight why organization serves a purpose in helping us take action.
By shifting the focus away from pretty and towards action, you stand to gain from creating systems of organization. Plus, the systems will be easier to maintain.
Cord organization is one of those unsexy tasks that when completed gives you a deep sense of accomplishment.
Over the years I’ve shared several different approaches to creating your own cord management solutions. In this post I’ve corralled them all in a round up post to give you unique options to organize cords DIY style today.
Just a few minutes is all you need to take action and make an impact for cord organization in your home.

Here are 5 simple cord organization DIY ideas that I will explain in detail down below:

  • Use fabric inserts
  • Photo organization containers
  • Box in box
  • Under desk cord storage
  • Under bed cord storage

Looking to jumpstart your journey to organization? Organize with a proven plan using the new Tidying Checklist.  Use this free printable plan to get organized this year.

Option 1: Use Fabric Inserts

The beauty of DIY organization is that it’s a chance to find multiple uses for your storage containers.
Having our items perform double duty is essential to stretch our dollars and to make the most out of our storage solutions. In option one I used sock and underwear fabric inserts to create separation for my electrical cords. The size of the inserts works really well for any number of household cords.
I especially like these fabric inserts because they are collapsible when not in use and they are lightweight to not add heft and bulk to your bins.
Once the fabric inserts are filled I find a sturdy exterior box to contain all the electrical cords. This step isn’t always necessary if you are keeping the fabric insert into a sturdy drawer.
Watch a short video on the process of using fabric inserts to store your electrical cords.

Option 2: Photo Organization Containers

Using a photo organizer container to store electrical cords is well suited for the individual that likes to keep everything contained in a sturdy solution. This option is easily stackable and the separate see through containers makes it easy to identify which cords are contained within making it simple to find and access. I like to label each separate container as well as label each individual cord.

Option 3: Box in Box

Option 3 is similar to option 1, and I’m sharing the multi-purpose uses of containers with removable inserts or dividers. I appreciate the flexibility of removable inserts because you can expand or contract the container to fit your items as needed.
Remember to store like kind items together as well so that quickly you are able to see how many you have on hand and can easily access them when needed.

Option 4: Under Desk Cord Storage

In one of my most viral DIY hack videos I shared how I organized and tidy up the cords under my desk. With this simple DIY desk organization solution I gathered the cords underneath my desk into a mail file tray.

The holes in the tray made it easy for me to affix the basket to the underside of my desk. No hardware was needed as I used velcro strips to secure the to the bottom of my desk. A low cost, DIY solution that makes my desk area tidy is a win-win.

Option 5: Under Bed Cord Storage

If you hate the cords under your desk, you likely are not a fan of the ones by your bed side.

A simple concept for organizing your items is to corral and group similar items together to reduce visual noise.

I’m using this fundamental organization principle to tidy up the cords under my bed. Using a simple basket that has a opening for a handle I was able to easily contain and tidy my cords.

The opening in the bin is used to string my cords through. Find a container size that comfortably fits both the space and the cords.

How to Create DIY Labels

I’m all about organization tips that move you into action.

Here I’m sharing my DIY solution for creating your very own labels for electrical cords.

We tend to overcomplicate organization by creating fiction. It might look like you saying that you must go out and purchase a label maker before you are able to complete a simple cord organizer DIY project.

The truth is you actually have all the necessarily supplies to create your own labels right now and you can check off “cord organization storage” off you to-do list. With a piece of paper, pen and clear tape, you can create labels that help you get the job done without all that friction of buying, setting up and using a label maker.

Watch a quick video on the process of creating your own DIY labels here.

But if you are looking to invest in a good label maker, this one performs really well.

Velcro Fasteners

Get extra tidy by fastening the electrical orders in a bundle.
No one is interested in sorting through a tangled mess of gobbledygook in order to track down the right cord they are looking for. Save future you some time and frustration by tidying up the cords with velcro fasteners.

Even basic rubber bands would work here. I’ve also used old hair ties and zip ties work too.  The key is to contain the mess before it gets unmanageable and before you need it.


These five different options are in favor of simple solutions over complicated ones with friction.

We value progress over perfection here at Tidy with SPARK with unique DIY options for getting your cord storage organized.  

Simple solutions that help get you into action faster is exactly how I like to share organization DIY tips.  Because when you remove the friction you are able to get into flow, and that’s exactly what is needed to organize your entire home. 

Please note:  This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you choose to purchase something with the links.

Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.

Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.