Is your ideal customer on pinterest promotional image for tidy with spark blog

Is Your Ideal Customer On Pinterest

Before you jump on yet another social networking platform, one of the first questions you might ask as a business owner might be, “Is my ideal customer avatar actively using this platform?”

This is the perfect first question to ask because it indicates that you want to spend your energy and efforts going after a marketing channel that will connect you with those you want to serve, your ideal customer.

Pinterest demographics

In order to answer this question, let’s examine the demographics of the monthly active users on Pinterest.

According to Pinterest, there are approximately 444 million monthly active users across their global user base.

While the 444 million figure is a global number, the split between the United States and international countries is approximately 20% and 80%.

It may also be eye opening to see that despite the ratio of users between the US and international locations, the US market accounts for 80% of Pinterest’s revenue, nine months ending in 2021.

The gender breakout consists of the following:

  • 72% female
  • 22% male
  • 6% Unspecified

The age breakdown further shows that approximately 83% of users on the platform are younger than 50 years old.

  • 18-24: 21%
  • 25-34: 39%
  • 35-44: 18%
  • 45-49: 5%
  • 50-54: <5%
  • 55-64: 8%
  • 65+: <5%

To add more color and context to the mix, Pinterest has also identified that 45% of users in the United States have incomes in excess of $100K.  That means that large percentages of users are high income earners.

Beyond demographics

These demographics only paint part of the picture.  As a business owner it is recommended that you also have a clear idea on who your audience is.  Beyond these statistical figures, who is your ideal customer?  You’ll want to answer what their challenges are and what are their desires and wants.

Within these questions lies the answer of whether or not your business offering is in alignment with the wants and needs of those users on Pinterest.

Pinterest users want to learn something new

Pinterest users are unique because they visit the platform to learn something new.  The platform is built on the concept of improving upon your life by taking on a new project, and learning something new through getting inspired by the ideas shared by other creators.

Also note that 85% of pinners on Pinterest head to the platform to start a new project.

Pinterest is a forum for knowledge sharing and inspiration.  That makes it the perfect platform for digital course creators.  Course creators are educators working to teach a mindset shift, a new idea, or concept to their ideal customer facilitating a transformation.

That means that Pinterest users are in the ideal frame of mind to broaden their experiences and learn something new.  Their new learnings could be the exact promise that you offer in your course or services.

Pinterest users are action takers

Another differentiating factor between Pinterest and other social networks is that pinners aren’t on the platform to scroll mindlessly.  These users are looking for something specific so that they can take some future action on a new project or new idea.

As a visual search engine, Pinterest serves their audience by presenting search results that match keywords typed in by a user.  A user searches for something specific, maybe fall outfit ideas, or kitchen pantry organization ideas and then is served up a buffet of relevant pins to delight and ignite their journey to finding the perfect solution.

By strategically using keywords that your ideal customer is using in a search session, you are setting your business offerings up on a platform to be seen by your audience.

Not only are Pinterest users, action takers, they are also buyers. When pinners find their solution to their challenge, the users are ready to make a purchase.  If you’re not establishing a presence on Pinterest, it’s likely that your competitor, who is on Pinterest, will gain the sale rather than your business.


There is a wealth of opportunity on Pinterest and it’s not too difficult to see how the platform is the perfect place to establish brand awareness and develop the like, know, and trust factor when it comes to you and your ideal customer.

Before you hesitate a minute longer on why you’re unsure about starting up a strategy on Pinterest, consider the results of your efforts on other social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

These platforms aren’t even search engines and you may have tried to market your business there without any results.  If it doesn’t make sense to keep going with a strategy that isn’t working, head on over to Pinterest because your ideal customer needs to see your business and your offers.

Interested in learning more about how I got results on Pinterest? Head to this post where I share my growth on Pinterest and this post where I explain what makes Pinterest unique.

Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.

Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.