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KonMari and New Beginnings

Along with the excitement of trying something new comes some fear. I’m feeling this as I start this journey of creating a blog. I know that the scariest step is the first step. It’s the case with any new venture, whether it’s starting a new workout routine, a new job, or a KonMari tidying marathon. Without the first step we can’t get to the rewards of the journey.

If I dig a little below the surface and explore, I know where the fear is actually coming from. To be real with you, fear of failure comes to mind. Fear of not meeting my own expectations or the expectations of others is close behind and fear of saying something that doesn’t connect with my audience is at my doorstep.

My own KonMari journey started with fear of the unknown. I truly wondered “what if” I don’t like anything I own and everything needs to be discarded. This seemed like a real possibility because I was holding on to 30 fuzzy socks and at the time, I lived in Texas. It was a legitimate fear I had before I started down the path to my own tidying marathon.

There is one thing I know that silences fear: action. Through action I found that the unknown was not nearly as scary as how I magnified it to be in my mind. Once I took the first step, the unknowns became known and I found that the thing I resisted didn’t warrant the fear after all.

What is holding you back from taking the first step to something new? If it’s fear, dig deeper and uncover the “why.” You may find that the fear is smaller than the potential reward. I chose not to engage in analysis paralysis and just went for it. I’m doing this again now as I launch this blog. There will be bumps along the way, some small, some large. But the rewards throughout the journey outweigh the cost of fear.

My mission for this blog is personal growth and community. Growth in my writing. Growth in my KonMari knowledge. Growth in connecting with my audience to share my love of organization. My blog will have content on the KonMari Method®, organization and sprinklings of life in general. It’s about my own journey on this crazy ride called life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth.

6 thoughts on “KonMari and New Beginnings”

  1. I found you recently on Instagram and always enjoy your posts!! I’m looking forward to your blog and please know that we’re all in this together and routing for you!!!! xoxo

  2. Yay! Thank you for sharing these wise words regarding fear. 30 fuzzy socks when you lived in Texas- I love it!😂

  3. Very nice first blog article, Sandy! Well done! Sounds like very interesting 🙂 I’d love to subscribe to your blog – but cannot find a button. Please let me know how I can get onto your mailing list.

    1. Hi! Thank you for your comment. I am working on adding a subscribe form to my site! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

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