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Pinterest Pin Types

I get asked this question a lot so it makes sense to share this post to my audience. The focus of this post is to break down what a pin is, the different Pinterest pin types, and explain the elements contained within a pin.  This is a detailed post created for the purpose of educating and demystifying pins on Pinterest so that users can strategically create and post pins that meet their business marketing objectives.

Here are the specific questions that are addressed in this post:

  • What is a pin?
  • What are the main pin types?
  • What are the differences between the pin types?
  • How to use each pin type?

What is a pin?

A pin is a visual element, whether an image, a video or collection of images and videos that conveys an idea or concept on Pinterest.  Pins are the backbone of the platform where billions of pins across the globe are shared to create an international forum of knowledge sharing and inspiration.

What are the main pin types?

There are three main pin types that are used on Pinterest.  The purpose of each pin type overlaps the others, but each have unique differences to note.  Using a variety of pin types in your Pinterest strategy is ideal so that you benefit from the range of content types.

Standard Pin

The standard pin is the old standby pin type that has been around for a long while.  This pin type is a static image.

Along with the image, the pin creator has the option to add relevant details to the pin to share more information to give context around the image.

These details include:

  • Pin title – Up to 100 characters describing the nature of the pin
  • Pin board – Name of the board you chose to bookmark the pin
  • Pin description – Up to 500 characters describing what the viewer can expect from clicking on the pin
  • Alt Text – Information for screen readers for the visually impaired
  • Destination URL – Web address that the viewer will be taken to when the pin is clicked

Video Pin

A video pin is nearly identical to a standard pin except the media format is a video.  A difference to note is the tagging abilities.  A creator can add up to 10 descriptions that exist from a keyword bank pre-defined by Pinterest. These tags are used for Pinterest to better understand what the pin is about.

Idea Pin

Idea Pins are the newest pin type that debuted in the summer of 2020.  This new pin type brings the two media types, image and video together, into frames up to 20 to share an idea and inspiration.  The opportunities that exist for idea pins is far and wide.

A significant difference between a standard, video and idea pin is that idea pins currently do not have the capability to add a destination URL as a clickable hyperlink.  This is a major drawback for many that have been using the platform to draw audiences away from the network to explore the creator’s owned content on their blog or website.

What is the difference between pin types?

Tables are one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread!  As an avid lover of excel and spreadsheets, tables help illustrate differences in data so naturally I’m using one to show the differences in pin types.  See below for the table.

Comparison chart of Pinterest Pin types

How to use each pin type?

Using all three types of pins in my marketing strategy on Pinterest is the well-rounded approach that I would recommend to my students. The percentage mix between the types depends on your specific marketing needs and business goals, but I encourage students to try all three.

Let’s dive deeper to examine how you can use each pin type.

How to use standard pins

Standard pins are a great way to invite your audience to learn more about something.  This pin takes the user to a location generally outside of Pinterest, and preferably to a place where you share content relevant to the pin topic that you created.

The bonus of a standard pin type is that Pinterest is not penalizing you for directing users outside the platform.  Clicking outside of the platform is encouraged with the destination URL.  When you direct your audience to content you created you are creating a pathway for your ideal customer to not only learn more about you and your business, but to learn about your products, services, and offerings.

Use a scroll stopping image to draw in your ideal customer, but support that image with stellar content that links to quality content on your owned website.

How to use video pins

Video pins are the animated version of a standard pin.  We expect to see movement in a video pin that shares a story.  That story can be a process or a teaching.  Video pins are indexed differently than the other pin types so keep that in mind when creating content.  If you’re wondering what this means and how this applies to you, read on.

Pinterest categorizes each pin type differently.  That means that as the creator, you can easily repurpose one piece of content that you created on one pin type to a different pin type because it doesn’t look like duplicate content.  This is a winning situation because you as the content creator can repurpose rather than reinvent the wheel.  I do encourage subtle changes to be made however, which would be at least 5-15% differences in the two digital assets.

It’s no secret that video content is on the rise and here to stay as the preferred form of content medium that our audiences want to consume.  If you audibly sighed after reading this, I promise, I get you.

BUT, it is the honest truth and the faster we are on board with the trends and shifts that are occurring in social media, the faster we will be able to connect with our ideal customers sharing the very thing that we do best; sharing our craft and expertise.

How to use idea pins

Our discussion of video content is not complete until we discuss idea pins.  Idea pins work best when used with video.  This is not only something I know from experience, but Pinterest has specifically stated this on their website related to best practices when it comes to pinning idea pins.

Hands down, video is best for idea pins and you even want the opening frame to start out with a video. Why?  Movement is where your eyes naturally go to when looking at a static screen.

Use idea pins to reach a broad and wide audience to attract to your funnel.  As a business owner it is hyper critical to your business growth and scalability to reach new audiences.  One of the best ways to do this on Pinterest is through the use of Idea pins.

Dazzle your ideal customer by showcasing your expertise and services through video.  You’ll build the like, know, and trust factor rapidly by establishing yourself as the go to person in your niche or industry.


Hooray! You reached the end of the post which means you now have a handle on the different pin types and understand when to use each for marketing your online business.

Now it’s time to put all this new knowledge to the test. These strategies on Pinterest only work if you do. Spring into action because only through action will you be better equipped to know and understand your audience on this platform.

It would be a mistake to assume that your audience on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok are the same on Pinterest.  All these platforms are different and to be successful on each it is important to respect the differences.

Excited to learn more about all things Pinterest?  Head to my Pinterest blog for other posts where I dive into more digital marketing strategies. And don’t forget to grab my free Pinterest Account Checklist. Link is below.

Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.

Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.

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