Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo Home Organizing Guru

Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

New organizing series on Netflix

Excitement has been buzzing about the newly released trailer to the upcoming organizing series by Netflix called Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo.

New Series Alert: Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

In this next series by Marie Kondo (the first was released in 2019 called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo) audiences see that the KonMari Method is extended beyond the home and into businesses and communities. In the official Netflix trailer released on August 16, 2021 viewers are given a sneak peek into the families and individuals that are showcased in the three-episode series.

The opening to the trailer shows Marie seated while striking a tuning fork against a crystal.  This is a classic and signature move that I have actually had the pleasure to experience in person while attending a Consultant Certification Course in Los Angeles.  The ritual is meant to clear the energy and reset one’s self.

In this next chapter, Marie Kondo is sharing how broad the principles of the Konmari Method can be applied to relationships, businesses, and communities.

Meet the Cast: Family of three

Couple Joanna Heart and Ben Milliken and child Julien are featured in the trailer. Coffee shop owner, Joanna gives to her business all day and has little time left over at the end of the day for herself and her family.

What to Expect

In the trailer, Ben says, “I didn’t think it was going to be so impactful.” This comment comes to no surprise to me as I have encountered these same thoughts from clients in my own business.  Clients who are introduced to the KonMari Method are hesitant to believe the life-changing possibilities of tidying up your home. 

The simple concept of order in one’s life can have far reaching and transformative benefits beyond an organized home and space.  We see this magic when Marie is in the middle of a folding lesson when Julien chimes in “I want to learn.”

While tidying up is an individual journey, getting organized can be learned by all members of the family even for children as young as three years old, according to Marie Kondo.

Meet the Cast: Father and son gardening business

Nursery owners, Logan and Jimmy Williams of Logan’s Gardens in Los Angeles, get their gardening business organized.

What to Expect

Through the journey Logan shares that “learning more and more about myself, it’s a little bit overwhelming.” As we confront our things, in the process we ultimately confront past behaviors and choices that led us to the present state of disorganization.

In the trailer, Logan touches on the challenges of running a business together with a family member, especially when one member of the family has difficulty letting go to get organized in the business.  Decluttering is a big hurdle to jump over in the tidying journey because we challenge our thoughts and fears which is difficult and uncomfortable for many to do.

Meet the Cast: Southhills Church, Burbank CA

While it’s unknown who exactly is getting a transformation, the trailer showcases a woman at the Southhills Church in Burbank CA as well as the individual’s home. 

What to Expect

In the trailer the woman shares, “I wake up with a mission about helping somebody else. It’s just so hard to think about me.”  This is a common theme I see with those who work in service of others.  Tidying is often thought of as a form of self-care.

As people journey through tidying up, self-discovery takes place and we are more in-tune with ourselves.  The practice of self-awareness and self-discovery lends itself to self-care which is the act of giving ourselves what we need to reset and recharge.

As a bonus to this three-episode series, it looks like Marie, her family and her family home is highlighted as well to drive home the theme of community and family.  Earlier this year, Marie welcomed her third child, a son, to join her two other daughters.


Certified KonMari Consultant Trailer Impressions

After watching the Netflix trailer to Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo, I feel the same renewed sense of excitement and joy as I did before watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.  Marie brings her signature energy to the screen once more and it’s a delight to see her spark joy across the world with her teachings and her method.

I’m a tad bit disappointed that the series is three episodes. Perhaps I’m greedy because this type of programming is right up my alley as a Professional Organizer.  I confess that I binge watched the previous show and fully plan to do the same when this series is launched on Tuesday, August 31st.

The short trailer closes to upbeat music and uplifting words.  We are inspired by the words, “go get what you want.” True to the method, these lyrics highlight the exact point of the KonMari Method.  Live a life that sparks joy which can also mean, identify the vision you want for yourself and go out and get it.

Be on the lookout for a full review from me after the show drops on Netflix.  Tell me what your thoughts are on the trailer.  I’d love to hear if you share my excitement.

Tidy on and tidy strong, my friends!


Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients that she serves in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.  Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.