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Free Printable Decluttering Checklist pdf for Tidying Success

Decluttering is hard due to the volume of stuff and the overwhelm that goes along with it. Use this free printable decluttering checklist pdf to manage the overwhelm and set yourself up for tidying success.

A Decluttering Checklist Acts As A Project Plan

Tackling a project such as decluttering and organizing an entire home is challenging for most and can even be a tall order for a seasoned professional organizer.

But there is a trick to successfully addressing the project of this size and it starts with a project plan.

A series of tasks, such as decluttering your home, is a large-scale project rather than a mere “to-do” item on your list.

Businesses successfully complete projects by breaking down the tasks within a project with a project plan.You likely won’t see a construction builder put “build a house” on their to-do list.  Just saying that out loud sounds a bit silly.

In order to digest and successfully achieve all the pieces that go into building a house, a detailed list of smaller tasks is used to move a project along.

There is no difference with decluttering your home.

We use a project plan or decluttering checklist to aid us through the process of tidying up.

A Decluttering Checklist Helps Manage Overwhelm

Tidying up is a journey and a project that requires breaking down the steps into manageable pieces.

Those who embark on the journey, often find that they encounter overwhelm sometime during the process.

While this is normal, the overwhelm can be minimized and even avoided altogether.

Creating the mini steps is what reduces and eliminates the overwhelm.

This is important because when we become overwhelmed with a project, the chances of getting stuck in the project are high.

During tidying sessions with clients, I also use my detailed checklist to move the tidying sessions along.

A Decluttering Checklist Provides Structure

The decluttering checklist is divided into categories and subcategories, which creates natural breaks in the decluttering process.

Within the download you will find a list of typical items found in most homes. Now it’s not an exhaustive list and it’s not meant to be an encyclopedia of things.

The declutter checklist provides a detailed listing so that you’re not left asking “what’s next?” as you declutter your home.

The next logical step is already laid out for you making it easy to move forward with momentum.

After going through each subcategory, make a checkmark on the space indicated and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and pride as you move your way down the list.

Following the Marie Kondo method of organizing, the tidying checklist starts out with the following categories:

  • Clothing
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Komono (miscellaneous items)
  • Sentimental items

The 5 KonMari® categories naturally flow from easiest to address to the most challenging to address.

This logical order puts sentimental items last as they are the most challenging to part because we have strong attachments to those items.

When you have an actual plan, executing and following through on the plan is a whole lot easier.

Decluttering is already challenging.

Let’s make it just a little bit easier with an instant download that can be used right away and printed at home.

Let go of the overwhelm that keeps you stuck in the clutter and make room for peace and calm as you make your way through the declutter checklist.

Best Practices for your Tidying Journey

Print Out The Free Printable Decluttering Checklist pdf

Head to the link to grab your free resource.  With instant access you can get started right away on your decluttering journey.

As an alternative, ditch the paper and view the declutter checklist digitally and make checkmarks using a pdf editor.

Schedule Time On Your Calendar to Declutter

Commit to the process and carve out real time on your calendar to work through the declutter checklist.

As with most things in life, “what gets scheduled gets done.” – Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy

Pencil in the time and make it a priority because your future self will thank you.

Be Realistic About Your Expectations

Setting reasonable expectations related to your decluttering journey is important. 

Overextending ourselves with an unrealistic timeline is truly a recipe for disaster and the fastest way to burnout.  

Avoid the headache and burnout by giving yourself ample time to work through the declutter checklist.

Also, don’t forget to give yourself time and space to rest and recover in between categories and subcategories.

Done is Better Than None (Emphasize Progress over Perfection)

I often share that it gets messier before it becomes tidy, and nothing could be a truer statement when getting organized.

At all costs, resist the temptation to halt the process because you feel that it isn’t going perfectly.  This can lead to procrastination when tidying, which will get you stuck.

Focus on the small steps and emphasize progress over perfection.  This mindset shift is essential to tidying up.

Lean into the mess, knowing that through the mess comes clarity and a decluttered home.

Track Your Progress With Checkmarks

I love a good checklist and I especially love the chance to mark something off or cross a task off my list.

If you find this satisfying as well, I highly encourage you to make all the lovely marks across the pages of your declutter checklist.

This little act will have you feeling rewarded.

Now that you have the free printable decluttering checklist pdf and the best practices to journey down the path to organization, you are already headed towards tidying success!

If you’re looking for extra support when decluttering your items, review these 3 decluttering questions to learn more.

Interested in taking a peek at the printable declutter checklist for your home?  Here is a quick video that shows you exactly what you can download.

Tidy on and tidy strong, my friend!

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions about decluttering. Don’t see your question below, please comment on this post and I will try to answer with a response.

If you’re anything like me, when you get an idea in your head, you want to jump in head first to get going on the project.

Getting excited for the task ahead is absolutely necessary, but you don’t want to put the cart before the horse! It’s the fastest way to lose steam and stall out.

That’s why the first thing to do when decluttering is to commit to the process. The commitment can be something you say out loud, or mention to someone else for extra accountability.

Whatever your preference, the key is to establish a commitment to the process and the journey.

There are rules and there are categories to the KonMari® method. These are two separate things that are interrelated.

Called the 6 basic rules of tidying up, here are the guidelines laid out in the KonMari® method:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle
  3. Finish discarding first
  4. Tidy by category, not location
  5. Follow the right order
  6. Ask yourself if it “sparks joy”

The right order mentioned in the list above refers to the five categories of the method, which are:

Miscellaneous items (also known as komono)
Sentimental items

A KonMari® checklist is a list of the five different categories (clothing, books, papers, komono, and sentimental items), and the subcategories that would fall within each of the main categories.

For example, shoes and handbags would fall within the clothing category.

The key to decluttering your home in 15 minutes as a daily practice is to develop and establish a habit.  Incorporate tidying as part of your daily life to create a lasting routine that quickly becomes autopilot behavior.

I encourage you to create a system that supports the daily task of tidying by:

  • Establishing the same time of day dedicated to the task – Carve out time to tackle the daily tidying
  • Setting a reminder on your phone – Don’t leave this task to memory especially in the beginning of building the habit 
  • Setting a timer for 15 minutes – Having a time limit can help you feel accomplished while setting boundaries so that overwhelm is minimized

Southern California based Professional Organizer, Sandy Park, owner and founder of Tidy with SPARK shares her joy of organization with her clients.

She serves clients in Orange County as well as the hundreds of thousands of followers on her combined social media platforms.

Connect with Sandy through her website or by connecting through her social channels.